The Public Plans Database currently contains plan-level data from 2001 through 2023 for about 230 major state and local pension plans — with half administered at a state level and half administered locally. This sample covers 95 percent of public pension membership and assets nationwide. Data are organized by subject.
Under the accounting rules set by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), pension systems for government employees, and the government entities sponsoring those pensions, must present two schedules on the system’s financial status: the Schedule of Plan Funding and the Schedule of Employer Contributions. The Schedule of Plan Funding provides histories of the plan's funded status (i.e., its assets, liabilities, and unfunded liabilities), and of the payroll covered by the plan. The Schedule of Employer Contributions provides a history of the employer's annual required contribution (ARC), as well as the portion of the ARC that was paid each year by employer contributions. Importantly, these data can be compared across pension systems, because all data presented in GASB schedules must be calculated according to Board standards.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name. | text | |||
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
ADEC | Actuarially Determined Employer Contribution (ADEC) | $000s | |||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
TierID | Tier id. | 00-99 | 0=All Tiers; 1,2,3...=designated tier | ||
ActFundedRatio_GASB | Funded ratio measured under traditional GASB 25 standards. The (GASB 25) funded ratio is equal the the actuarial assets divided by the actuarial liability. | Percentage point | AV | ActAssets_GASB / ActLiabilities_GASB | |
ActAssets_GASB | Actuarial assets measured under traditional GASB 25 standards. Actuarial assets will often differ from market assets in a given year because actuarial assets are calculated using techniques that smooth out fluctuations in the level of assets that arise from investment gains and losses. | $000s | AV | If prior and next year are available, imputation is the midpoint between the two years. | |
ActLiabilities_GASB | Actuarial accrued liabilities measured under traditional GASB 25 standards. The actuarial accrued liability is equal to the present value of future benefits, discounted using the plan's assumed long term investment return. | $000s | AV | If prior and next year are available, imputation is the midpoint between the two years. | |
UAAL_GASB | Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (measured under traditional GASB 25 standards). The unfunded actuarial accrued liability is equal the the actuarial accrued liability minus actuarial assets. | $000s | AV | ActLiabilities_GASB - ActAssets_GASB | |
ActLiabilities_other | Other actuarial liability measured under traditional GASB 25 standards. | $000s | AV | ||
ActAssets_est | Estimated Actuarial Assets. Indicator that actuarial assets are estimated by CRR. | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
ActLiabilities_est | Estimated Actuarial Liabilities. Indicator that actuarial liabilities are estimated by CRR. | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
ActFundedRatio_est | Estimated Actuarial Funded Ratio. Indicator that actuarial funded ratio are estimated by CRR. | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
ActFundedRatio_GASB67 | Funded ratio measured under GASB 67 standards. The GASB 67 funded ratio is equal the the net position divided by the total pension liability. | Percentage point | Financial Report | NetPosition / TotalPensionLiability | |
TotalPensionLiability | Liabilities measured under GASB 67 standards. The total pension liability is equal to the present value of future benefits, discounted using the plan's blended discount rate. | $000s | Financial Report | If prior and next year are available, imputation is the midpoint between the two years. | |
NetPosition | Assets measured under GASB 67 standards. | $000s | Financial Report | If prior and next year are available, imputation is the midpoint between the two years. | |
NetPensionLiability | The unfunded portion of total pension liability (measured under GASB 67 standards). The net pension liability (NPL) is equal the the total pension liability minus the net position. | $000s | Financial Report | TotalPensionLiability - NetPosition | |
RequiredContribution | Employer's Annual Required Contribution. This variable reflects the employer's annual required contribution as reported in the required supplementary tables for GASB accounting purposes. | $000s | From 2001 to 2013, RequiredContribution equals the ARC. From 2014 forward, RequiredContribution equals the ADEC, the GASB67 version of the ARC. | AV | |
PercentReqContPaid | Percent of Employer's contribution paid. Funding commitment – the degree to which the plan sponsor regularly and fully pays its required contributions to the plan – is a critical factor in assessing the current and future health of a pension plan and an indicator as to whether or not the costs of funding the pension plan creates fiscal stress for the pension plan sponsor. | Percentage point | AV | Equals reported percent of ARC paid, if available; if unavailable, equals reported percent of ADEC paid. If both of these is unavailable, then imputed as (Actual Employer Contribution)/ADEC. | |
RequiredContribution_est | Estimated Employer Annual Required Contribution. Indicator that Employer's Annual Required Contribution are estimated by CRR. | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
payroll | Covered payroll. The total pensionable earnings of plan participants. | $000s | AV | If prior and next year are available, imputation is the midpoint between the two years. |
Assumptions and Methods(PensionGASBAssumptions)
Data presented in the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Schedule of Plan Funding and the Schedule of Employer Contributions must be calculated using a certain set of assumptions and methods set by the Board. These assumptions must be explicitly presented as part of the schedules.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name. | text | AV | ||
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
TierID | Tier id. | 00-99 | 0=All Tiers; 1,2,3...=designated tier | ||
source_GASBAssumptions | Data source. | text | |||
notes_GASBAssumptions | Notes for Data Entry. | text | |||
ActCostMethCode_GASB | A integeral code for the plan's Actuarial Cost method for GASB reporting purposes. | 1,2,3,4,5 | EAN (1), PUC (2), FIL (3), AGG (4), OTHER (5) | AV | |
AssetValMeth_GASB | Asset Valuation Method for GASB reporting. The asset valuation method describes the method used for calculating actuarial asset levels. Often, when calculating actuarial assets, plans use actuarial techniques that smooth out fluctuations in the level of assets that arise from investment gains and losses, generally over 5 years. Beginning in fiscal year 2014, GASB will no longer allow smoothing techniques, and plans will be forced to report market asset levels. | AV | |||
AssetSmoothingPeriod_GASB | Asset smoothing period for GASB reporting. | years | AV | ||
AssetValMethCode_GASB | An integral code for the plan's Asset Valuation method for GASB reporting purposes. The asset valuation method describes the method used for calculating actuarial asset levels. Often, when calculating actuarial assets, plans use actuarial techniques that smooth out fluctuations in the level of assets that arise from investment gains and losses, generally over 5 years. Beginning in fiscal year 2014, GASB will no longer allow smoothing techniques, and plans will be forced to report market asset levels. | 0,1 | Market (1), Smoothed (0) | AV | |
InflationAssumption_GASB | Inflation Assumption for GASB reporting. The inflation assumption underlies other economic assumptions for the plan, such as the long-term investment return, individual employee salary growth, and the overall payroll growth for the plan. Importantly, for plans with COLA that is linked to inflation, this assumption impacts the anticipated COLA payments. | Percentage point | AV | ||
InvestmentReturnAssumption_GASB | Long-term investment return assumption GASB reporting. For public pension plans, the long-term investment return is used to discount actuarial liabilities. | Percentage point | AV | ||
BlendedDiscountRate | The blended discount rate is the rate used to discount liabilities under GASB 67 standards. The blended rate is the result of a cash flow projection to determine if the plan will deplete its assets before all benefits are paid. If the projection shows that the plan will not exhaust its assets before all benefits are paid, the plan continues to use the assumed return as the discount rate for liabilties. If the projection results in an asset depletion date, all benefit payments projected to occur before that date are discounted using the assumed return, and all payments projected to occur after that date are discounted using an investment grade municipal bond rate. | Percentage point | |||
FundingMethCode1_GASB | A integeral code for amortization payment type. | 0,1 | Level Percent (1), Level dollar (0) | AV | |
FundingMethCode2_GASB | A integeral code for amortization period type. | 1,2,3 | Open (1), Fixed (2), Closed (3) | AV | |
ActCostMeth_GASB | Actuarial Cost Method for GASB reporting. The actuarial cost method is used to apportion the total cost of funding an employee's benefits in retirement to each year of their worklife. The annually apportioned amount is the normal cost. | AV | |||
EEGroupID | Employee group id. | 00-99 | 0=All Employees; 1,2,3...=designated employee group | ||
FundingMeth_GASB | Funding Method for GASB reporting. The funding method describes the method used to amortize the UAAL. The method has two key parameters: 1) the amortization payment type: whether the amortization payments will be level in dollar amount or level as a percent of payroll and 2) the amortization period type: whether the period over which the UAAL must be fully amortized is open (the full funding date is extended each year) or closed (the full funding date is fixed). | text | AV | ||
UAALAmortPeriod_GASB | Remaining UAAL amortization period for GASB reporting. The remaining period over which the UAAL will be amortized. | AV |
Income Statement(PensionIncomeStatement)
The Statement of Changes in Net Assets — the plan’s income statement — records the contributions to the pension system, as well as its expenditures, appreciation of its investments, and earnings from interest and dividends, over the fiscal year.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name. | text | |||
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
TierID | Tier id. | 00-99 | 0=All Tiers; 1,2,3...=designated tier | ||
source_IncomeStatement | Data source. | text | |||
notes_IncomeStatement | Notes for Data Entry. | text | |||
expense_AdminExpenses | Deductions - administrative expense. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_alternatives | Alternatives expense. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
income_alternatives | Alternatives income. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
FairValueChange_tot | Net Increase/(Decrease) in Fair Value of total investments | $000s | Financial Report | FairValueChange_investments + FairValueChange_RealEstate | |
expense_Depreciation | Deductions - depreciation. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
income_dividends | Dividends Income. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
EEGroupID | Employee group id. | 00-99 | 0=All Employees; 1,2,3...=designated employee group | ||
contrib_ER_tot | Contributions - employer total | $000s | Financial Report | contrib_ER_regular + contrib_ER_state | |
expense_investments | Net investments - general investment expense. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
income_InterestAndDividends | Interest and dividends. | $000s | Financial Report | income_interest + income_dividends | |
income_interest_dividends_tot | Interest and Divident Net Income - total | $000s | Financial Report | income_InterestAndDividends + income_RealEstate + income_PrivateEquity + income_alternatives + income_international + income_OtherInvestments | |
income_interest | Interest Income. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
income_international | International income. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_investments_tot | Investment expense - total | $000s | Financial Report | expense_RealEstate + expense_PrivateEquity + expense_alternatives + expense_OtherInvestments + expense_investments | |
BegMktAssets_net | Beginning Market Assets - Net | $000s | Financial Report | ||
MktAssets_net | Ending Market Assets - Net | $000s | Financial Report | ||
adjustment_MktAssets | Internal adjustment to market assets. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
contrib_EE_regular | Contributions - employee. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
FairValueChange_investments | Net increase[appreciation] or decrease[depreciation] in fair value of misc. investments. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
FairValueChange_RealEstate | Net increase[appreciation] or decrease[depreciation] of real estate investments. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
investments_net | Investments - Net | $000s | Financial Report | FairValueChange_tot + income_interest_dividends_tot + expense_investments_tot + SecLend_tot | |
income_OtherAdditions | Other additions. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_OtherBenefits | Deductions - other benefits. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
contrib_other_tot | Contributions - other total | $000s | Financial Report | contrib_ER_other + contrib_other + contrib_EE_PurchaseService + contrib_EE_other | |
expense_other_tot | Deductions - other total. | $000s | Financial Report | expense_Depreciation + expense_OtherDeductions | |
contrib_EE_other | Contributions - other member. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
contrib_ER_other | Contributions - other employer. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_OtherInvestments | Other Investment Expense. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
income_OtherInvestments | Other investment income. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
contrib_other | Contributions - other. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_OtherDeductions | Deductions - misc. other. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
POB_Amount | Total pension obligation bond proceeds received in the year | $000s | Financial Report | ||
POB_Flag | The flag indicates whether a plan received proceeds from a pension obligation bond in the year | 0-1 | POB Issued (1), POB not issued (0) | Financial Report | |
income_PrivateEquity | Private equity income. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_PrivateEquity | Private equity expense. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
contrib_EE_PurchaseService | Member service purchase. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_RealEstate | Real estate expense. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
income_RealEstate | Real estate income. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_refunds | Deductions - refunds/withdrawals. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
contrib_ER_regular | Contributions - regular employer. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
SecLend_tot | Securities Lending - total | $000s | Financial Report | FVChange_SecLend + income_SecuritiesLending + expense_SecuritiesLending + FVChange_SecLend_UG | |
FVChange_SecLend | Securities lending-appreciation (income). | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_SecuritiesLending | Securities Lending-total net expenses. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_SecLendMgmtFees | Securities Lending-fees. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
income_SecuritiesLending | Securities lending-interest. | $000s | Financial Report | income_SecuritiesLendingRebate+expense_SecuritiesLendingMgmtFees | |
income_SecuritiesLendingRebate | Securities Lending-rebates. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
FVChange_SecLend_UG | Securities Lending-unrealized gain (Loss). | $000s | Financial Report | ||
contrib_ER_state | Contributions - state. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
income_net | Total additions. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_TotBenefits | Deductions - total benefit payments. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_COLABenefits | Deductions - COLA benefit. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
contrib_tot | Contributions - total. | $000s | Financial Report | Sum of ER, EE, and other contributions. | |
expense_DeathBenefits | Deductions - death benefits. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_net | Deductions - total. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_DisabilityBenefits | Deductions - disability benefits. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_DROPBenefits | Deductions - drop benefits. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_LumpSumBenefits | Deductions - lump sum benefits. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_RetBenefits | Deductions - retirement benefits. | $000s | Financial Report | ||
expense_SurvivorBenefits | Deductions - survivor benefits. | $000s | Financial Report |
Investment Returns(PensionInvestmentReturn)
This table presents data from the CAFR on both annual and long-term investment returns.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name. | text | |||
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
TierID | Tier id. | 00-99 | |||
AvgReturn_10yr | 10-year return, average | Percentage point | Calculated; average of annual return over the past 10 years. | ||
AvgReturn_3yr | 3-year return, average | Percentage point | Calculated; average of annual return over the past 3 years. | ||
AvgReturn_5yr | 5-year return, average | Percentage point | Calculated; average of annual return over the past 5 years. | ||
EEGroupID | Employee group id. | 00-99 | |||
InvestmentReturn_1yr | 1-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | Imputed based on observed change in Market Assets: ((MktAssets_net - BegMktAssets_net) - (contrib_tot + expense_net)) / (BegMktAssets_net + (0.5 * (contrib_tot + expense_net))) | |
InvestmentReturn_1yr_est | Estimated 1yr investment return | 0-1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
InvestmentReturn_2yr | 2-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_3yr | 3-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_4yr | 4-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_5yr | 5-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | Geometric mean of annual return over the past 5 years | |
InvestmentReturn_5yr_est | Estimated 5yr investment return | 0-1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
InvestmentReturn_7yr | 7-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_8yr | 8-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_10yr | 10-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | Geometric mean of annual return over the past 10 years | |
InvestmentReturn_10yr_est | Estimated 10yr investment return | 0-1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
InvestmentReturn_12yr | 12-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_15yr | 15-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_20yr | 20-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_25yr | 25-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_30yr | 30-yr investment return. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentReturn_LongTerm | Long-term investment return. | Percentage point | |||
InvestmentReturn_LTStartYear | Start Year for Long-term investment return. | yyyy | |||
GrossReturns | Reported Gross/Net investment Returns. | 0,1 | gross returns (0), net returns (1) | ||
GeoGrowth_est | Geometric growth since 2001. | Percentage point | |||
GeoReturn_est | Geometric return since 2001. | Percentage point | CRR calculated; Geometric mean of annual returns since 2001 | ||
source_InvestmentReturn | Data source. | text | |||
notes_InvestmentReturn | Notes for Data Entry. | text | |||
InvestmentConsultantName | Investment Consultant Name | text | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
InvestmentConsultantCode | Investment Consultant Code | 00-99 | Callan (1), NEPC (2), Wilshire (3), PCA (4), Summit (5), Aon Hewitt (6), Strategic Investment Consultants (7), RVK (8), Watson Wyatt (9), Mercer (10), Meketa (11), Russell (12), Marquette (13), All Others (99) | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report |
Actuarial Costs(PensionActuarialCosts)
The actuarial valuation performed for each system calculates the annual funding requirements for the system. This table presents those results. Most importantly, it provides the normal cost — the cost of annual benefits accrued by employees for their current year work — and amortization costs — the cost to make up any gap in funds required to pay benefits earned for past service.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name. | text | |||
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
TierID | Tier id. | 00-99 | |||
source_ActCosts | Data source. | text | |||
notes_ActCosts | Notes for Data Entry. | text | |||
NormCostAmount_tot | Total normal cost amount. | $000s | AV | NormCostAmount_EE + NormCostAmount_ER | |
NormCostAmount_EE | Member contribution amount. | $000s | AV | NormCostRate_EE / 100 * ProjectedPayroll | |
NormCostAmount_ER | Employer normal cost amount. | $000s | AV | NormCostAmount_tot - NormCostAmount_EE | |
ReqContAmount_ER | Employer's projected actuarial required contribution amount. | $000s | AV | ReqContAmount_tot - NormCostAmount_EE | |
ReqContAmount_tot | Total projected actuarial required contribution amount. | $000s | AV | ReqContAmount_ER + NormCostAmount_EE | |
ProjectedPayroll | Projected payroll. | $000s | AV | ||
NormCostRate_tot_est | Estimated total normal cost rate (flag). | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
NormCostRate_EE_est | Estimated member contribution rate (flag). | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
NormCostRate_ER_est | Estimated employer normal cost rate (flag). | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
ReqContRate_ER_est | Estimated employer's projected actuarial required contribution rate (flag). | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
ActuarialFirm | Actuarial Firm | text | AV | ||
ActuarialFirmCode | Actuarial Firm Code | 0-9 | GRS (1), Buck Consultants (2), Cavanaugh Macdonald (3), Segal (4), Milliman (5), Cheiron (6), Internal actuarial services (7), Other firm (8) | AV | |
ContributionFY | Fiscal Year in which calculated actuarial contributions are to be paid. | yyyy | AV | ||
EEGroupID | Employee group id. | 00-99 | |||
NormCostRate_ER | Employer normal cost rate (% of payroll). The employer normal cost is equal to the total normal cost minus member contributions. | Percentage point | AV | Depending on data availability, could be any of the following, in order of preference: 1) NormCostAmount_ER / ProjectedPayroll; 2) NormCostAmount_ER / payroll; 3) NormCostRate_tot - NormCostRate_EE | |
ReqContRate_ER | Employer's projected actuarial required contribution rate (% of payroll). The employer's annual required contribution for funding purposes consists of two separate components: a payment to cover the total normal cost (net member contributions) – the cost of benefits accrued in the current year – and a payment to amortize the UAAL. | Percentage point | AV | Depending on data availability, could be any of the following, in order of preference: 1) ReqContAmount_ER / ProjectedPayroll; 2) ReqContAmount_ER / payroll; 3) ReqContRate_tot - NormCostRate_EE; 4) RequiredContribution / payroll | |
ReqContAmount_ER_Stat | Employer's projected statutory required contribution amount. | $000s | AV | ReqContAmount_tot_stat - NormCostAmount_EE | |
ReqContRate_ER_Stat | Employer's projected statutory required contribution rate (% of payroll). | Percentage point | AV | Depending on data availability, could be any of the following, in order of preference: 1) ReqContAmount_ER_stat / ProjectedPayroll; 2) ReqContAmount_ER_stat / payroll; 3) ReqContRate_tot_stat - NormCostRate_EE | |
NormCostRate_EE | Member contribution rate (% of payroll). | Percentage point | AV | Depending on data availability, could be any of the following, in order of preference: 1) NormCostAmount_EE / ProjectedPayroll; 2) NormCostAmount_EE / payroll; 3) NormCostRate_tot - NormCostRate_ER; 4) ReqContRate_tot - ReqContRate_ER; 5) contrib_EE_regular / payroll | |
NormCostRate_tot | Total normal cost rate (% of payroll). The normal cost is the present value of benefits actuarially accrued in a given year. It is calculated by apportioning the total present value of an employee's expected benefits in retirement to each year of an employee's worklife, based on a specific actuarial cost method. | Percentage point | AV | Depending on data availability, could be any of the following, in order of preference: 1) NormCostAmount_tot / Projected Payroll; 2) NormCostAmount_tot / payroll; 3) NormCostRate_EE + NormCostRate_ER | |
ReqContRate_tot | Total projected actuarial required contribution rate (% of payroll). The total annual required contribution for funding purposes consists of two separate components: a payment to cover the total normal cost – the cost of benefits accrued in the current year – and a payment to amortize the UAAL. | Percentage point | AV | Depending on data availability, could be any of the following, in order of preference: 1) ReqContAmount_tot / ProjectedPayroll; 2) ReqContAmount_tot / payroll; 3) ReqContRate_ER + NormCostRate_EE | |
ReqContAmount_tot_Stat | Total projected statutory required contribution amount. | $000s | AV | ReqContAmount_ER_stat + NormCostAmount_EE | |
ReqContRate_tot_Stat | Total projected statutory required contribution rate (% of payroll). | Percentage point | AV | Depending on data availability, could be any of the following, in order of preference: 1) ReqContAmount_tot_stat / ProjectedPayroll; 2) ReqContAmount_tot_stat / payroll; 3) ReqContRate_ER_stat + NormCostRate_EE | |
UAALRate | Amortization payment as a percentage of payroll. | Percentage point | CRR Calculated | In order of preference, depending on data availability: 1) ReqContRate_ER - NormCostRate_ER; 2) ReqContRate_tot - NormCostRate_tot |
This table provides detailed data on the number and demographics of active employees, inactive vested employees, and retirees (service, disability, survivors), as well as information on average salaries and benefits.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name. | text | |||
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
TierID | Tier id. | 00-99 | |||
EEGroupID | Employee group id. | 00-99 | |||
TotMembership | Total number of members. | integer | AV | If immediately prior and next year are available, use midpoint. | |
actives_tot | Total number of actives. | integer | AV | If immediately prior and next year are available, use midpoint. | |
ActiveSalaries | Total amount of active salaries (payroll). | $000s | AV | Depending on data availability, in order of preference: 1) take midpoint of prior and next year; 2) ActiveSalary_avg * actives_tot | |
ActiveAge_avg | Average age of actives. | integer | AV | ||
ActiveTenure_avg | Average tenure of actives. | integer | AV | ||
ActiveSalary_avg | Average salary of actives. | $000s | AV | Depending on data availability, either of the following, in order of preference: 1) ActiveSalaries / actives_tot; 2) payroll / actives_tot; If reported monthly, monthly average is multiplied by 12. | |
ActiveSalary_avg_est | Estimated Average salary of actives (flag). | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
beneficiaries_tot | Total number of beneficiaries. | integer | AV | If immediately prior and later year are, imputation is midpoint of the two. | |
benefits_tot | Total annual benefit payments in year. | $000s | AV | Depending on data availability, in order of preference: 1) take midpoint of prior and next year; 2) BeneficiaryBenefit_avg * beneficiaries_tot | |
BeneficiaryAge_avg | Average age of beneficiaries. | integer | AV | ||
BeneficiaryBenefit_avg | Average benefit of beneficiaries. | $000s | AV | Depending on data availability, either of the following, in order of preference: 1) benefits_tot / beneficiaries_tot; 2) -expense_TotBenefits / beneficiaries_tot; If reported monthly, monthly average is multiplied by 12. | |
BeneficiaryBenefit_avg_est | Estimated Average benefit of beneficiaries (flag). | 0,1 | Estimated (1), Not estimated (0) | ||
beneficiaries_ServiceRetirees | Total number of service retirees. | integer | AV | ||
benefits_ServiceRetirees | Total benefits paid to service retirees . | $000s | AV | ||
ServiceRetireeAge_avg | Average age of service retirees. | integer | AV | ||
ServiceRetireeBenefit_avg | Average benefit paid to service retirees . | $000s | AV | If reported monthly, monthly average is multiplied by 12. | |
ServiceRetAge_avg | Average age at retirement for service retirees. | integer | AV | ||
ServiceRetTenure_avg | Average tenure at retirement for service retirees . | integer | AV | ||
beneficiaries_DisabilityRetirees | Total number of disability retirees. | integer | AV | ||
benefits_DisabilityRetirees | Total benefits paid to disability retirees. | $000s | AV | ||
beneficiaries_SpousalSurvivors | Total number of spousal survivor beneficiaries. | integer | AV | ||
beneficiaries_DependentSurvivors | Total number of dependent survivor beneficiaries. | integer | AV | ||
beneficiaries_survivors | Total number of survivor beneficiaries. | integer | AV | ||
beneficiaries_other | Total number of other beneficiaries. | integer | AV | ||
DROPMembers | Total DROP members. | integer | AV | ||
OtherMembers | Other members. | integer | AV | ||
InactiveVestedMembers | Total number of inactive vested. | integer | AV | ||
InactiveNonVested | Total number of inactive non-vested. | integer | AV | ||
notes_membership | Notes for Data Entry. | text | |||
source_membership | Data source. | text |
Plan Reporting(PensionReportingDates)
This table provides the fiscal year end dates for the CAFR and the Actuarial Valuation.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name. | text | |||
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
TierID | Tier id. | 00-99 | |||
ActRptDate | Date of Actuarial Valuation Report. | mm/dd/yyyy | |||
EEGroupID | Employee group id. | 00-99 | |||
fye | Fiscal year end date. | mm/dd/yyyy |
Employee Group Basics(PensionEEGroupBasics)
This table provides administrative data on employee groups within each plan such as the funding structure for their benefits, the year the group joined the larger system, and social security coverage.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name. | text | |||
EEGroupType | |||||
EEGroupTypesCovered | Type of employee included in the employee group | ||||
EEStateorLocalEmployeesOnly | Does the employee group include state or local employees exclusively | 1,2 | 1=State employees only, 2=Local employees only | ||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
EEGroupName | Employee group name. | 00-99 | |||
source_EEGroupBasics | Data source. | text | |||
notes_EEGroupBasics | Notes for Data Entry. | text | |||
EEGroupInceptionYear | Year of inception. | yyyy | |||
EEGroupClosed | Closed plan. | 0,1 | yes (1), no (0) | ||
EEGroupYearClosed | Year of plan closing. | yyyy | |||
EEGroupCostSharing | Employee Group Cost Sharing. | 0,1,2 | 0-Agency, 1-Cost Sharing, 2-Risk Pools | ||
EEGroupCostStructure | Employee Group Cost Structure. | text | |||
EEGroupEmployerType | Employee Group Employer Type. | 1,2,3 | 1=single, 2=multiple, 3=multi | ||
EEGroupSocSecCovered | Employee Group Social Security coverage. | 0,1 | yes (1), no (0) | ||
EEGroupID | Employee group id. | 00-99 | |||
urbanflag | 0-1 | yes (1), no (0) |
Plan Basics(PensionPlanBasics)
This table provides basic administrative data on each pension plan such as the state in which the system is located, the entity which administers the plan, and the year the system was first created.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name. | text | |||
source_PlanBasics | Data source. | text | |||
notes_PlanBasics | Notes for Data Entry. | text | |||
system_id | Pension Plan System ID | 0000-9999 | |||
DataStartYear | |||||
DataEndYear | |||||
FiscalYearType | 2-Jan | 1=mid-year, 2=year-end | |||
PlanFullName | |||||
SocSecCovered_verbatim | Social Security Coverage | text | |||
EmployeeTypeCovered | Type of employees covered by the plan | text | |||
BenefitsWebsite | Website for benefit descriptions | text | |||
InPFS | Plan is in public funds survey. | 0-1 | yes (1), no (0) | ||
ppd_directory_listed | 0-1 | yes (1), no (0) | |||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
PlanInceptionYear | Year of inception. | yyyy | |||
PlanClosed | Closed plan. | 0,1 | |||
PlanYearClosed | Year of plan closing. | yyyy | |||
AdministeringGovt | Type of Administering Government. | 0,1,2,5 | 0-State, 1-County, 2-City, 5- School | ||
StateAbbrev | Abbrev. state name. | text | |||
StateName | Full state name. | text | |||
GovtName | Administrating jurisdiction. | text | |||
PlanType | Plan Type. | 1,2,3,4,5 | 1-PERS or ERS, 2-TRS, 3-Police/Fire/Safety, 4-SERS, 5-Local | ||
CostSharing | Cost Sharing. | 0,1,2 | 0-Agency, 1-Cost Sharing, 2-Risk Pools | ||
CostStructure | Cost Structure. | text | |||
EmployerType | Employer Type. | 1,2,3 | 1=single, 2=multiple, 3=multi | ||
SocSecCovered | Social Security Coverage. | 0,1 | yes (1), no (0) |
Retirement System Basics(PensionRetirementSystemBasics)
This table provides basic administrative data on each retirement system included in the PPD.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
system_id | Pension Plan System ID | 0000-9999 | |||
RetirementSystemDesc | Notes for Data Entry. | text | |||
NumberOfPlans | Number of plans contained within the system | 00-99 | |||
sys_DataStartYear | Start year of data | integer | |||
sys_DataEndYear | End year of data | integer | |||
ppd_system_directory_listed | 0-1 | yes (1), no (0) | |||
RetirementSystemStateAbbrev | Abbrev. state name. | text | |||
RetirementSystemName | Retirement System Name | text |
Actuarial Balance Sheet(PensionActuarialBalanceSheet)
This table contains the Present Value of Future Benefits for actives and retirees, as well as the Present Value of Future normal costs from employers and employees.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
fy | Fiscal year | yyyy | |||
AccruedLiab_active | Actuarially Accrued Liability for Active Members | $000s | |||
ActAssets_BalSht | Actuarial Assets on the Actuarial Balance Sheet | $000s | AV | ||
PVFC_tot | Present Value of Future Contributions | $000s | |||
PVFC_EE | Present Value of Future Member Contributions | $000s | AV | ||
PVFC_ER | Present Value of Future Employer Contributions | $000s | |||
PVFNC_ER | Present Value of Future Normal Costs from Employer | $000s | AV | ||
PVFNC_tot | Present Value of Future Normal Costs | $000s | AV | Sum of PVNC_EE and PVFNC_ER | |
PVFS | Present Value of Future Salaries | $000s | AV | ||
PVFB_active | Present Value of Future Benefits for Active Members | $000s | AV | ||
PVFB_InactiveNonVested | Present Value of Future Benefits for Inactive Non-Vested Members | $000s | AV | ||
PVFB_InactiveVested | Present Value of Future Benefits for Inactive Vested Members | $000s | AV | ||
PVFB_retiree | Present Value of Future Benefits for Retired Members and Beneficiaries | $000s | AV | ||
PVFB_other | Present Value of Future Benefits from Other Sources | $000s | AV | ||
PVFB_tot | Present Value of Future Benefits | $000s | AV |
Pension System Data(PensionSystemData)
This table contains funding, income statement, and membership data for each retirement system in the PPD.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
sys_ServiceRetirees | Total number of service retirees. | integer | |||
sys_InactiveVestedMembers | Total number of inactive vested. | integer | |||
system_id | Pension Plan System ID | 0000-9999 | |||
sys_Beneficiaries_other | Total number of other beneficiaries. | integer | |||
sys_SpousalSurvivors | Total number of spousal survivor beneficiaries. | integer | |||
sys_Beneficiaries_survivors | Total number of survivor beneficiaries. | integer | |||
sys_DROPMembers | Total DROP members. | integer | |||
sys_InactiveNonVested | Total number of inactive non-vested. | integer | |||
sys_OtherMembers | Other members. | integer | |||
sys_actives_tot | Total number of actives. | integer | |||
sys_expense_AdminExpenses | Deductions - administrative expense. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_alternatives | Alternatives expense. | $000s | |||
sys_income_alternatives | Alternatives income. | $000s | |||
sys_beneficiaries_tot | Total number of beneficiaries. | integer | |||
sys_expense_Depreciation | Deductions - depreciation. | $000s | |||
sys_income_dividends | Dividends Income. | $000s | |||
sys_contrib_ER_regular | Contributions - employer. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_investments | Net investments - investment expense. | $000s | |||
sys_income_InterestAndDividends | Net investments - interest and dividends. | $000s | |||
sys_income_interest | Interest Income. | $000s | |||
sys_income_international | International income. | $000s | |||
sys_adjustment_MktAssets | Internal adjustment to market assets. | $000s | |||
sys_contrib_EE_regular | Contributions - employee. | $000s | |||
sys_MktAssets_net | Net assets. | $000s | |||
sys_FairValueChange_investments | Net increase[appreciation] or decrease[depreciation] in fair value of investments. | $000s | |||
sys_FairValueChange_RealEstate | Net increase[appreciation] or decrease[depreciation] of real estate investments. | $000s | |||
sys_NumberofEmployers | Number of employers in the retirement system | integer | |||
sys_income_OtherAdditions | Other additions. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_OtherBenefits | Deductions - other benefits. | $000s | |||
sys_contrib_other | Contributions - other. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_OtherDeductions | Deductions - other. | $000s | |||
sys_contrib_EE_other | Contributions - other member. | $000s | |||
sys_contrib_ER_other | Contributions - other employer. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_OtherInvestments | Other Investment Expense. | $000s | |||
sys_income_OtherInvestments | Other investment income. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_PrivateEquity | Private equity expense. | $000s | |||
sys_income_PrivateEquity | Private equity income. | $000s | |||
sys_contrib_EE_PurchaseService | Member service purchase. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_RealEstate | Real estate expense. | $000s | |||
sys_income_RealEstate | Real estate income. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_refunds | Deductions - refunds/withdrawals. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_SecuritiesLending | Securities Lending-total net expenses. | $000s | |||
sys_income_SecuritiesLending | Securities lending-interest. | $000s | |||
sys_SecLendRebate | Securities Lending-rebates. | $000s | |||
sys_contrib_ER_state | Contributions - state. | $000s | |||
sys_income_net | Total additions. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_TotBenefits | Deductions - total benefit payments. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_COLABenefits | Deductions - cola benefit. | $000s | |||
sys_contrib_tot | Contributions - total . | $000s | |||
sys_expense_DeathBenefits | Deductions - death benefits. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_net | Deductions - total. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_DisabilityBenefits | Deductions - disability benefits. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_DROPBenefits | Deductions - drop benefits. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_LumpSumBenefits | Deductions - lump sum benefits. | $000s | |||
sys_TotMembership | Total number of members. | integer | |||
sys_expense_RetBenefits | Deductions - retirement benefits. | $000s | |||
sys_expense_SurvivorBenefits | Deductions - survivor benefits. | $000s |
Investment Data by Asset Class(PensionInvestmentPerformance)
The investment data include information on returns, actual asset allocation, and target allocation. Data are collected primarily from plan CAFRs and investment reports. For consistent reporting in the PPD online, the individual asset classes reported by plans are categorized as one of eight major asset classes: equity, fixed income, real estate, private equity, hedge funds, commodities, misc. alternative assets, cash, and other.
Raw data on the individual asset classes reported by plans are available in downloadable data.
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
PlanName | Plan name | text | |||
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
Leverage_Total_Actl | Total actual percent of assets leveraged | Percentage point | Financial Report | ||
Leverage_Flag | Flag indicates whether leverage was explicitly used as part of the plan's asset allocation. | 0-1 | Leverage (1), No Leverage (0) | Financial Report | |
Leverage_Total_Trgt | Total target percent of assets leveraged | Percentage point | Financial Report | ||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
EEGroupID | Employee group id. | 00-99 | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
TierID | Tier id. | 00-99 | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
TotFund_BnchmrkRtrn | Total Fund Benchmark Return | $000s | |||
EQTotal_Rtrn | Annual return on total equity investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
EQTotal_Actl | Percent of assets invested in equity investments (total). | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
EQTotal_Trgt | Targeted percent of assets invested in equity investments (total). | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
FITotal_Rtrn | Annual return on fixed income investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
FITotal_Actl | Percent of assets invested in fixed income. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
FITotal_Trgt | Targeted percent of assets invested in fixed income. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
RETotal_Rtrn | Annual return on real estate investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
RETotal_Actl | Percent of assets invested in real estate. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
RETotal_Trgt | Targeted percent of assets invested in real estate. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
PETotal_Rtrn | Annual return on private equity investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
PETotal_Actl | Percent of assets invested in private equity. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
PETotal_Trgt | Targeted percent of assets invested in private equity. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
HFTotal_Rtrn | Annual return on hedge fund investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
HFTotal_Actl | Percent of assets invested in hedge funds. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
HFTotal_Trgt | Targeted percent of assets invested in hedge funds. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
COMDTotal_Rtrn | Annual return on commodity investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
COMDTotal_Actl | Percent of assets invested in commodities. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
COMDTotal_Trgt | Targeted percent of assets invested in commodities. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
AltMiscTotal_Rtrn | Annual return on misc. alternative investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
AltMiscTotal_Actl | Percent of assets invested in misc. alternatives. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
AltMiscTotal_Trgt | Targeted percent of assets invested in misc. alternatives. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
CashTotal_Rtrn | Annual return on cash investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
CashTotal_Actl | Percent of assets invested in cash. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
CashTotal_Trgt | Targeted percent of assets invested in cash. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
OtherTotal_Rtrn | Annual return on other investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
OtherTotal_Actl | Percent of assets invested in other investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report | ||
OtherTotal_Trgt | Targeted percent of assets invested in other investments. | Percentage point | Financial Report; in rare cases, an investment-specific report |
Bond Duration(PensionInterestRateRisk)
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |
fy | Fiscal year. | yyyy | |||
ppd_id | Public Plans Database ID. | 0000-9999 | |||
TierID | Tier id. | 00-99 | |||
Total_MktVal_Duration | Total Market Assets, Duration | $000s | Financial Report | ||
Duration_describe | Duration method | text | Financial Report | ||
Duration_Type | Duration method code | 0-4 | Effective (1), Modified (2), Macaulay (3), Other (4) | Financial Report | |
EEGroupID | Employee group id. | 00-99 | |||
HasDurationData | Has duration data | 0-1 | yes (1), no (0) | Financial Report | |
Total_Duration | Total Portfolio Duration | Percentage point | Financial Report |
Credit Rating(PensionCreditRating)
Variable | Description | Format | Notes | Primary Source | Imputation |