The brief’s key findings are: In 2015, the funded ratio of state and local pensions using traditional accounting rules, with smoothed asset values, rose from …
Alicia H. Munnell
October 4, 2016
June 21, 2016
Issue Brief
The Funding of State and Local Pensions: 2015-2020
by Alicia H. Munnell and Jean-Pierre Aubry
May 11, 2016
Issue Brief
Are Counties Major Players In Public Pension Plans?
by Alicia H. Munnell and Jean-Pierre Aubry
The brief’s key findings are: County governments play only a limited role in most states, but in a handful of states they are major public …
March 15, 2016
Issue Brief
How Big a Burden are State and Local OPEB Benefits?
by Alicia H. Munnell, Jean-Pierre Aubry and Caroline V. Crawford
The brief’s key findings are: State and local OPEB liabilities, largely retiree health, have received growing attention due to rising health costs and a change …
February 25, 2016
Issue Brief
State Initiatives to Cover Uncovered Private Sector Workers
by Alicia H. Munnell, Anek Belbase and Geoffrey T. Sanzenbacher
The brief’s key findings are: Half of private sector workers are not covered by an employer-sponsored retirement plan. The federal government has made no progress …
January 19, 2016
Issue Brief
GASB 68: How Will State Unfunded Pension Liabilities Affect Big Cities?
by Alicia H. Munnell and Jean-Pierre Aubry
December 1, 2015
Issue Brief
Forensics and the Future of a Connecticut Pension Plan
by Jean-Pierre Aubry and Alicia H. Munnell
June 23, 2015
Issue Brief
The Funding of State and Local Pensions: 2014-2018
by Alicia H. Munnell and Jean-Pierre Aubry
The brief’s key findings are: During 2014, public plans adopted new accounting standards for reporting purposes but continued to use the traditional standards for funding …
June 9, 2015
Issue Brief
Does Mortality Differ Between Public and Private Sector Workers?
by Alicia H. Munnell, Jean-Pierre Aubry and Geoffrey T. Sanzenbacher
April 14, 2015
Issue Brief
How Will Longer Lifespans Affect State and Local Pension Funding?
by Alicia H. Munnell, Jean-Pierre Aubry and Mark Cafarelli
The brief’s key findings are: Rising life expectancy makes defined benefit pension plans more expensive. The question is the extent to which state and local …