Every chart that appears in the quick-fact pages can be embedded in another website by following the instructions below.

Download instructions on how to do this or watch a tutorial.

To display charts from the Public Plans Database on your website, insert the embed code from one of the charts below where you'd like the chart to appear.

National Charts

Select parameters above to render chart.

Embed code will appear here.

State vs. Local Plan Charts

Select parameters above to render chart.

Embed code will appear here.

State Charts

Select parameters above to render chart.

Embed code will appear here.

Plan Charts

Select parameters above to render chart.

Embed code will appear here.

Retirement System Charts

Select parameters above to render chart.

Embed code will appear here.

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://publicplansdata.org/wp-content/plugins/bcPubPlans/scripts/gncharts/lib.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> PPDChart.setChartCallback("#ppd-chart-%chartname%%id%", %chartparams%); </script> <div id="ppd-chart-%chartname%%id%" class="ppd-chart ppd-%chartname%"></div>